Kaneka 公司的 Shastri 说,这个领域是开放的,大家可以寻找其他的肠-X 轴。 他说:“已经可以确认的是,不同器官有着自己独特的微生物组,但对于良好的全身健康来说,一个统一且不可或缺的因素就是一个健康的肠道。肠道微生物组影响着肠道以外的器官和系统的信号传递。” 肠-X 轴领域的一个新兴前沿是肠道与肺的关联,这也是 Schulick 非常感兴趣的一个方向。 Schulick 说:“仍有很多东西需要学习。但是到目前为止,已有的信息表明,肠-肺轴涉及到复杂的途径,它允许肠道微生物组和肺部微生物组通过淋巴系统进行相互作用。” 细菌和它们的代谢物(包括 SCFAs)可以通过一个人的淋巴系统循环到全身,并调节肺部的免疫反应。肠道也可以将支持组织修复的细胞送到肺部。一项临床研究表明,肺部的感染可以改变肠道微生物组的组成15。 此外,最近的研究还强调了肠道与肾脏之间的交流,有研究表明,创造一个平衡的微生物组或可帮助我们更好地维持肾脏健康和功能16。 在不到二十年的时间里,科学家们已经从探索肠-脑轴到绘制整个肠-X 轴生态系统的宏图,甚至更进一步,当前消费者都已经意识到了消化产品能够超越肠道,支持全身健康。 参考文献: (滑动查看下文) 1. Garakani A et al. "Comorbidity of irritable bowel syndrome in psychiatric patients: A review." Am J Ther.2003;10(1):67.2. Bailey MT et al.“Exposure to a social stressor alters the structure of the intestinal microbiota: implications for stressor-induced immunomodulation." Brain Behav Immun.2011;25(3):397-407. 3. Sudo N."Biogenic Amines: Signals Between Commensal Microbicta and Gut Physiology." Front Endocrinol (Lausanne).2019;10:504.4. Van de Wouw M et al. "Short-chain fatty acids: microbial metabolites that alleviate stress-induced brain-gut axis alterations."JPhysiol.2018;596(20):4923-4944. 5. Kesika P et al "Role of gut-brain axis, gut microbial composition, andprobiotic intervention in Alzheimer's disease."Life Sci.2021;264:118627.6. Szabo A and Rainavolgyi E."The Brain-Immune-Gut Triangle: hnate Immunity ity it Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders."Curr Immunol Rev.2013;9(4):248. 7. Ihekweazu FD and Versabvic J."Development of the Pediatric Gut Microbiome: Impact on Health and Disease." Am J Med Sci.2018;356(5):413-423.8. Morbe UM et al. "Human gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT); diversity, structure,and function."Mucosal Immunol.2021;14(4):793-802. 9. Vaarala O."The Gut mmune System and Type 1 Diabetes." Ann NY Acad Sci.2002;958(1):39-46.10. Sinha S et al. "The skin microbiome and the guut-skin axis."Clin Dermatol.2021;39(5):829-839.11. Salem I et al "The gut microbiome as a major regulator of the gut-skin axis." Front Microbiol.2018:9:1459. 12. Wang Z et al. "Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease." Nature.2011;472:57-63.13. Depormier C et al. "Supplementation with Akkermansia muciniphila in overweight and obesse human volunteers: a proof-of-concept expibratory study."Nat Med. 2019;25(7):1096-1103. 14. Plovier H et al.“A purified membrane proteilh from Akkermansia muciniphila or the pasteurized bacterium improves metabolism in obese and diabetic mice." Nat Med. 2017;23(1):13.15. Enaud R et al.“The Gut-Lung Axis in Health and Respiratory Diseases: A Place for Inter-Organ and hter-Kingdom Crosstalks." Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020;10:9.16. Bland J. "Chronic Kidney Disease: The Gut-Kidney Connection?" Integr Med (Encinitas).2017;16(2):14-16.原文网址:https://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/digestive-health/diverse-microbiomes-and-digestive-health-digital-magazine 作者|Brenda Porter-Rockwell编译|Jessica审校|617编辑|咲